Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Having Fun Now Exams Have Finished

Exams are all over and done with for the year and this is the last week for lessons at Kapiti Dance Centre.
Monday's New Grade 6 class was heaps of fun, it wasn't too serious at all.
Miss Pond choreographed all this new stuff for us to have a fun class and we all kept mucking up and then laughing lots.

Up at the gym, Mum has been getting me to do lots of different things.
I'm working on my Intermediate Foundation stuff and polishing up my competition dances.
We aren't being too serious with this either.
I wore my "Bah Humbug" hat to practice.
I have to keep my fitness up for Summer School in January.

So I have normal classes today and tomorrow and then on Friday we have the dance school's Christmas Party and Prize Giving.
The parties are always heaps of fun!!!!!!!!

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