Friday, December 28, 2012

It's the Holidays and Exam Results

Merry Christmas Everyone and Best Wishes for 2013!!!!!!! 

Salem has had a great Christmas but has still kept up his dancing even though his dance school is having a break until after the summer holidays.
He has been practicing up at the gym five days a week as he has a few things he wants to work on and to keep his fitness up for Summer School which is held at The New Zealand School of Dance in Wellington.
Summer School is held over five days with dancing from 8 am til after 4 pm.
He's going to be exhausted as we have to travel in by train and bus.

At the moment Salem is working on the Peasant pas de deux second male variation  from Giselle Act I.
He has got some great ideas from the video below of David McAllister from the Australian Ballet's production of Giselle from 1990.
His teacher will be choreographing a more appropriate version for his level.

Last week Salem did a floor barre class with Louis Solino at Thistle Hall in Upper Cuba Street in Wellington with the Freelance Dance Community.  It was a class with all adults but he did fine.
He really enjoyed the class, Louis is such a good teacher and Salem said it was the best ab workout he has ever done.

Then on the 22nd we were able to pick up his RAD Ballet exam results.
He got Distinction for both his Grade 5 exam and the Solo Performance Award exam.
He was really pleased with himself as he was worried that he made some mistakes during the Grade 5 exam.
Well done Salem!!!!!

So it was back to the gym today, luckily the weather has cooled down a lot today so it was a lot more pleasant for him.

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