Monday, December 3, 2012

Yesterday's RAD Ballet Exams

Getting ready for the Grade 5 exam

RAD Grade 5 Exam

More practice

Yesterday's exams went well, only a few little mistakes and the new white ballet shoes were a little slippery on the dance floor.
Let's hope the examiner didn't notice.
It was an early start to a Sunday, we had to be at the studio at 8 in the morning with the exam at 9 am.
It's a relief that the exams are over now so Salem can have a bit more fun with his dance practices and not have to go over exam stuff so much now.

Waiting to go into the exam

RAD Performance Award Exam

Dressed for the Neo-classical dance

The performance award exams were a bit more fun and Salem was not nervous about these at all.
He just went in and enjoyed himself without the pressure of the graded exam.
Plus he was more awake for them as his exam was at 4 pm.

Ready for the classical dance

He went in with two other class mates and they had to do three dances in total each, one at a time.
As soon as they had danced a dance, they could go out of the room and have a quick change for the next dance that they were doing.

And a different cummerbund for the character dance

Salem's changes were very easy, putting on a jacket for his second dance and then changing his cummerbund for the third and final dance.
Can't wait for his results!!!!!

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