Sunday, June 12, 2016

Gardening and Dancing

Wow, I can't believe I haven't done a post since last year!!!!!
Sorry everyone.
Well, I'm just going to have to catch everyone up on what I am doing, as a few things have changed since last year.  So expect regular updates and catch-ups over the next few weeks, promise.

The first change is that I no longer practice up at the gym.
For one, I can't really afford it and another reason was lack of ventilation.
I was finding it very hard in hotter weather to cool the studio down enough to be comfortable to practice in.  As soon as I stepped into the studio I would be hit with a blast of hot, sweaty air and found it hard to breathe, let alone dance.  I just wish that there were windows that could be opened.

So me and Mum approached the church a few doors down from us about using the hall for me to practice in exchange for me doing some gardening.
They said yes!!!!!!!
So now I practice in the hall and there are tons of windows for me to open, it's great.
Plus I get to do something else that I love doing, gardening.

I do gardening at home, I also do some gardening and odd jobs around my neighbourhood to help pay for my dance classes and dance shoes etc.
It's so nice to be able to help out so that it doesn't all fall on Mum to pay for everything.
I'll be back tomorrow with another post
See you then

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