Friday, October 30, 2015

Ballet Amongst The Blooms

I love going to the Botanic Gardens in Wellington as often as I can.

The other weekend had all the tulips out in their full glory and it was such a beautiful day that I had to get some stretching done while enjoying all the beautiful colours.

These photos are more acro than ballet but stretching is good for all dance types.  And I prefer to stretch outdoors on a lovely day.

The photos didn't turn out of me doing jetes, too blurry.

I was doing some more stretches on the grassy lawn and two little girls, sisters. joined me and I gave them a ballet lesson, a very simple introduction, which they loved.

Their mum was very impressed and enjoyed watching.

After the ballet lesson I did some very basic contemporary exercises with them and their little friend, a boy, joined in too.

He had just as much fun as the girls.

Then I added in a little acro to finish things off, lots of rolling around and some gentle stretching.

I'm sure the kids could have gone on for longer but there were more flowers to see.

A great way to spend a sunny springtime afternoon.

Salem  :-)


  1. Hi Salem, stretching in the Botanic Garden, you lucky boy! Here its winter, cold and snow.
