Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Today's Practice and A Gold Heart Scholarship

Walking up to the gym

It was another good practice today up at the gym.  Salem is getting a bit tire though, still not 100% over his cold, so I think it will be a day off tomorrow.  He still has a rehearsal for his group contemporary dance tomorrow at his dance school, Kapiti Dance Centre, but that is in the afternoon and only for about half an hour.

We have been walking up to the gym and back while the weather has been nice, but cold, it's been a good way to warm up before practice and to blow the cobwebs out of our heads.  Today because he was tired, we caught the bus home.

Salem has been very lucky to have been chosen to receive a Gold Heart Scholarship from Variety - The Children's Charity.  This is going to be a big help and has meant that we could afford some private dance lessons so that Salem can do competitions now which he has wanted to do for a while.  It will be interesting to see who they are going to get to mentor Salem.  Can't wait.

Variety - The Children's Charity is helping 21 talented Kiwi kids to reach their full potential and overcome their personal challenges with a 2012 Variety Gold Heart Scholarship.
Gold Heart Scholarships form part of Variety's Future Kiwi Kids programme. For up to three years, Gold Heart scholarships support children who are physically or financially challenged to fulfill their dreams. This could include assisting with tuition fees, personal development, coaching, and the purchase of training equipment, travel or accommodation. Young people who already excel in the arts, sports or education are awarded financial support of up to $5,000 and matched with a mentor to help them achieve their life goals.
Recipients for 2012 include talented dancers, athletes and musicians, aged 8-17.

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