Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back at the Gym and Cinderella Performances

It was back to the gym again today, his dances for the comps are going very well and are getting more polished.  A big improvement in his confidence and performance compared to last week.  He is getting more relaxed about it all.

He has been doing exercises to work on his balance.  Next week we will arrange a session with a personal trainer for more specific exercises.

To challenge himself, he is doing the "plank" a more challenging way.  He really felt it this time!!!

Royal New Zealand Ballet's "Cinderella" at the St. James Theatre, Wellington
2nd to the 11th August 2012

The performances that Salem is in are:

Wed 1 August                          7.30 pm   Dress Rehearsal in front of audience

Thurs 2 August                         7.30 pm  Performance - Opening Night

 Sat 4 August                           2.30 pm   Performance 
            7.30 pm   Performance
Wed 8 August                          7.30 pm   Performance

Fri 10 August                           6.30 pm   Performance

Sat 11 August                            7.30 pm   Performance - Closing Performance

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