Friday, October 30, 2015

Ballet Amongst The Blooms

I love going to the Botanic Gardens in Wellington as often as I can.

The other weekend had all the tulips out in their full glory and it was such a beautiful day that I had to get some stretching done while enjoying all the beautiful colours.

These photos are more acro than ballet but stretching is good for all dance types.  And I prefer to stretch outdoors on a lovely day.

The photos didn't turn out of me doing jetes, too blurry.

I was doing some more stretches on the grassy lawn and two little girls, sisters. joined me and I gave them a ballet lesson, a very simple introduction, which they loved.

Their mum was very impressed and enjoyed watching.

After the ballet lesson I did some very basic contemporary exercises with them and their little friend, a boy, joined in too.

He had just as much fun as the girls.

Then I added in a little acro to finish things off, lots of rolling around and some gentle stretching.

I'm sure the kids could have gone on for longer but there were more flowers to see.

A great way to spend a sunny springtime afternoon.

Salem  :-)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Finalist for the 2015 Attitude Awards

Me and my Grade Ones photo courtesy of Hayley Johnson Dance Academy

Hi everyone,  it's been a while since I last did an up-date, been very busy with my dancing, exams etc and also having a few doses of the nasty flu's that have been doing the rounds.
It is now springtime over here in New Zealand so hope fully all the winter nasty's are behind us.
So I will be doing a bit of a catch up and here is my first lot of news...........

Stretching with the film crew doing their thing.

I have been lucky enough to be a finalist again this year for the Attitude Awards which are held in Auckland on the 3rd December - World Disability Day.
I had a fantastic time there last year and meet some amazing people.
It is such an honour to be one of three finalists for the Artistic Achievement Award.

The Lovely Grade Ones photo courtesy of Hayley Johnson Dance Academy

The Attitude film crew came to my grade one class at Hayley Johnson Academy of Dancing to do some filming, all the students had a great time in front of the camera, they all did very well and looked great.
They had all their hair neatly done, were on their best behavior and did all their exercises etc brilliantly.
It was a really good practice for exam time.

Crazy time with the Grade Ones courtesy of Hayley Johnson Dance Academy

I'm dying to know how the filming turns out and what they will be using for my piece at the awards.
My Grade Ones and their parents are dying to see it too.