Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's that time of the year again - Star Search 2014

With his certificate for making it into the finals.

It was Star Search time up at Coastland's today.  It doesn't really seem like that long ago that he entered last years one.  This year's offering is "Robin Hood".
The stage was tiny so Salem had to make a few little changes to his dance which worked out very well.

Juniors and Seniors waiting for the results

He was up against singers, musicians and one other dancer.
One of the judges was an old ballet teacher of his.
She said some nice things about his performance.

Salem with Liam from Judith Fuge Dance School

Salem, along with two others, made it into the senior finals which are being held on Friday.  So he gets to perform again which he is looking forward to doing.  He doesn't care if he gets anywhere or not, he just loves performing.

Being presented his certificate

1 comment:

  1. Robin Hood Robin Hood riding through the Glen.. .........
