Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Cold" - New Neo-classical Dance

"Cold" costume.

Salem debuted "Cold" his new neo-classical dance at the DanceArt comps on the 11th April 2014.
It went really well and really surprised everyone.  No one expected a dance like this and everyone was dead silent when Salem was dancing it.

When he had finished dancing he had a lot of applause and his first ever bravo, and it was from one of the dad's in the audience.  Salem was thrilled.
He was awarded 2nd place.

We had a bit of fun with the costume, originally thinking a light blue colour and then decided on silver.  I even found silver ballet shoes.
I thought silver leggings and a silver top would be a bit too much so we thought a white leotard would be better with white braces on the leggings.
It did look good from in the audience.  The silver leggings really showed off Salem's leg muscles.
You can't see that in the video very well though.

This is one of Salem's favourite dances at the moment.

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