Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nearly end of term for 2013 and 2014 is going to be even better.

Only one more week of this term for dance classes and then it is the xmas and summer holidays.

Not that Salem will be having much of a break as he will still be having his private lessons and working hard on his BTDA Intermediate syllabus.  He has really been enjoying the change from RAD.

This year so much has been happening, competing in the Alana Haines Australasia Awards (a great experience), doing well in competitions and with his exams.

Having private lessons with Lois Solino, Sir Jon Trimmer and Lady Jacqui Trimmer.  

And also changing dance schools and syllabi.  Taking up Acrobatic Dance and Lyrical, and being teacher's assistant to the Monday Grade One ballet class which he absolutely loves.

Was a second year recipient of a Variety Gold Heart Scholarship. .

Plus lots of other good things happening.

Next year is going to be even better!!!!!!

Salem has been accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance Associate programme as a Junior Associate Contemporary Major. .

We have just found out and it was totally unexpected.  Well done Salem!!!!

Salem has also been invited to be part of the Waikanae Dance School's Performance Team for 2014 which will be going up to Auckland to take part in the British Theatre Dance Association Festival in June 2014.

Waikanae Dance School's timetable for next year is up now at
Take a look if you are out here in Kapiti.  They are also offering vocational classes for jazz and ballet.

To top off next year, Salem will be going to The National Boy's Ballet Summer School in Sydney, Australia. .

We will be doing some fund raising to help with airfares and summer school fees.

So watch this space ...............

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