Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Practice of 2013 and Plenty of Pointe

Today was Salem's last practice session for the year.
It's not open tomorrow either, pity as Salem really wants to do some work on his dances and to do some more pointe practice.

Normally he doesn't take his pointe shoes to the gym as the floor is incredibly slippery and he is constantly having to wet his normal ballet shoes so he isn't slipping all the time.  Unfortunately we can't use rosin there.

So we put yoga mats on the floor which worked quite well and used the step ladder as a barre.
Salem hasn't been doing as much pointe practice lately due to being so busy with all his other dancing but  is now very determined to put loads of practice in and to have a dance choreographed and ready for competitions towards the later part of 2014.

We are thinking a demi-character dance would be good.
Salem is now on to his third pair of pointe shoes and we aren't colouring them yet until we decide on costuming, that's if his feet don't grow before then.

His last two pairs of pointe shoes were Bloch Sylphide's but we decided to go for a Grishko pair, not sure what they are called but they fit him perfectly and have a slightly longer vamp and are nice and narrow.
He says they are very comfortable.  So we are sticking to these ones now.

Last Acro class of the year.

So we will end this year with a photo of Salem's Acro class, we hope you had a great Christmas and wish you
Happy New Year!!!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Last Class Of The Year For The Intermediates

Intermediates with teacher Michelle (centre).

Friday night was the last class of 2013 for the Intermediate Lyrical/Jazz/Acro class.
It was a very fun class with everything done to christmassy songs, lots of tinsel, pom poms and rewards of chocolate for doing the splits ....... always a good thing!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

T'was The Week Before Christmas.....

But it still means plenty of practice for a dancer.
This week Salem had two lessons with Jonty as Jacqui was away.
Jonty said that Salem's feet have improved so much in 5th position, is looking very good.
Thank you Michelle for all your work with getting Salem to position his feet correctly.

At Salem's practice sessions at the gym this week he has been going through all his competition dances, and some jazz, contemporary, barefoot and some impromptus for all styles.
And added in some acro for good measure too.  Always good at the end of a session as he is very warmed up and flexible.

Practicing Headstands

His acro is going well and is getting to master headstands.

Salem has just finished choreographing an acro dance to a good old 80's song, "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats.
Salem performed it for Jonty on Thursday and Jonty was most impressed.

Over the next week or so, Salem is having a break from lessons and just doing a couple of practices at the gym and some at home.  Our front lawn is great for practicing dances and acro.  If Salem doesn't do any dancing, he doesn't know what to do with himself!!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Boys Can Do This Too!!!

We see so many photos of girl dancers posing like this so Salem decided he was going to do it too.

So we got out the camera at the gym today and took some photos after a great practice session.

And this is a favorite stretch of Salem's.

"Boy Power!!!"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Class of the Year for the Grade One's

Salem and the Grade One Class

It was the last class for the Grade One Ballet Class for the year, so everyone was allowed to get dressed up for class.  Two of the class weren't there today but it looks like everyone had a good class.
Salem was Ballet Santa and at the end of the class Salem gave everyone a couple of little chocolates.

He has loved being teacher's assistant to this class this term and is looking forward to continuing next year.
Doing this class is also helping him learn what the BTDA syllabus is like for the younger grades and will be a big help for him when it comes to exam time when he does his BTDA Intermediate exam.

"Merry Christmas Grade One's!!!"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ballet for a Boy Fundraiser

I have just started a fundraiser for Salem to help raise the money for him to go the National Boy's Ballet Summer Camp in Sydney next summer.  This will help with air fares and the cost of the camp.

You can check it out at : http://www.givealittle.co.nz//cause/balletboy .

Salem is very excited about the Summer Camp and it will be his first time overseas, actually he hasn't been out of the North Island of New Zealand.


He is looking forward to being with other boys who love ballet as much as he does.  And to make new friends.

If anyone would like to donate, we would be very appreciative as every little bit helps.

givealittle logo

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The National Boy's Ballet Summer School, Sydney

Here is a promotional video for the Boy's Summer School.
Salem can't go this summer, but we are planning on him going next summer.

It will be a great experience for him.


Nearly end of term for 2013 and 2014 is going to be even better.

Only one more week of this term for dance classes and then it is the xmas and summer holidays.

Not that Salem will be having much of a break as he will still be having his private lessons and working hard on his BTDA Intermediate syllabus.  He has really been enjoying the change from RAD.

This year so much has been happening, competing in the Alana Haines Australasia Awards http://www.ahaawards.co.nz/ (a great experience), doing well in competitions and with his exams.

Having private lessons with Lois Solino, Sir Jon Trimmer and Lady Jacqui Trimmer.  

And also changing dance schools and syllabi.  Taking up Acrobatic Dance and Lyrical, and being teacher's assistant to the Monday Grade One ballet class which he absolutely loves.

Was a second year recipient of a Variety Gold Heart Scholarship. http://www.variety.org.nz/how-we-help/future-kiwi-kids/gold-heart-scholarships .

Plus lots of other good things happening.

Next year is going to be even better!!!!!!

Salem has been accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance Associate programme as a Junior Associate Contemporary Major.  http://www.nzschoolofdance.ac.nz/training/associates.html .

We have just found out and it was totally unexpected.  Well done Salem!!!!

Salem has also been invited to be part of the Waikanae Dance School's Performance Team for 2014 which will be going up to Auckland to take part in the British Theatre Dance Association Festival in June 2014.

Waikanae Dance School's timetable for next year is up now at http://waikanaedance.org.nz/
Take a look if you are out here in Kapiti.  They are also offering vocational classes for jazz and ballet.

To top off next year, Salem will be going to The National Boy's Ballet Summer School in Sydney, Australia.
http://www.boyssummerschool.net/ .

We will be doing some fund raising to help with airfares and summer school fees.

So watch this space ...............