Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Exam Countdown - 2 Days Until Intermediate Foundation Exam

Two days til exam time.

It's now two days until the exam and Salem is ill!!!
What a time to get sick.
He woke up with a sore throat yesterday after having the exam rehearsal the afternoon/evening before.
Being in a overly warm room with around 30 other kids during flu season is not a good idea.
This morning his throat was very sore and he was very tired.
Not a nice feeling for a kid he doesn't normally get ill.

But he was determined to go up to the gym to have a practice for his exam after dosing up on paracetamol and drinking plenty of water.  Also having lots of breaks.

Ill in bed eating oranges.

When we got home it was straight to bed with water, black currant juice, electrolyte drink to sip on, packets of Throaties to suck on, oranges, vitamen C tablets, and because we are going to blast this cold away, Betadine Gargle to help his throat. Oh, and of course, more paracetamol and soup for dinner.
We are going to beat this cold!!!!!!!

Hopefully he will feel better in the morning as tomorrow afternoon he has a session at the gym with Jacqui who will take him through his exam exercises and help him tidy up what he needs to.
Let's hope he has a good sleep tonight and feels better in the morning.

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