Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Concert Day and Another Performance This Week

Practicing "Ameno"  on the stage.

Waikanae Dance School's "Showtime" concert was great.
Salem had a blast and had a great time with all the other dancers who shared one big room as their dressing room.
He spent a lot of time entertaining the little ones and even gave horsie back rides.

All the dancers did well and it really looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Salem danced his solo Ameno very well and his class dance was pretty good too.
I really enjoyed watching the show.

Salem will get to see it when we get the DVD of the show.

Well done to all the Waikanae Dance School dancers!!!!!!!!

Outside Kena Kena Resthome.

This afternoon, Salem along with seven other dancers from the dance school, performed for the residents at the Kena Kena Resthome in Paraparaumu.

What a great experience this was for him, being part of a group and doing something special for some lovely people in our community.

Everyone danced two items each, there was ballet, lyrical, modern and acrobatics.
Salem did Ameno and Valse.
This was the first time he has performed Valse before an audience.
There was only a small space to dance but everyone managed to fit their dances in.

With chocolate in hand after performing.

After they had finished performing, they were all given some chocolate each and they were asked questions from the audience.
Then they got to have a good chat with their very attentive audience.

Salem went around introducing himself and shaking hands and spent time talking to everyone.
It was a very good experience for him.  I think he got as much from talking to everyone, as they did watching him and the others perform.  He had the biggest smile on his face for the rest of the afternoon.

He would love to do this again.

Some of the other dancers.

Then it was off to his contemporary lesson at KDC.
He has his jazz and contemporary exams and medal tests next Thursday and Friday.
He is feeling very confident with those.

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