Friday, August 16, 2013

Hutt Valley and Kapiti Competitions

Two Cups and a Flower

Sorry we haven't done a post sooner, I am still having problems with our internet connection and to top it off, our camera seems to be on it's last legs and is making funny noises.
My apologies to anyone we have had emails from and not replied to.  One email I tried to send off 20 times (no kidding) before I gave up.  I seemed to have a connection so pressed send and then it disconnected.
So here is our up-date........ fingers crossed.....

Classical Impromptu

Salem had a lot of fun at the Hutt Valley Performing Arts Competitions which was held at The Little Theatre, we were there from the 13th to 15th July .
We were lucky enough to stay with the wonderful Helena which meant no travelling back out to Kapiti very late at night, and then back to the Hutt after only a few hours sleep.
A big THANK YOU to Helena.
The weather was really stormy over that weekend.  It was so bad that we didn't even want to step out of the theatre to go next door to the library in the long breaks between dances.

Modern Impromptu

His first dance was on Saturday night, Contemporary 12yrs and over and he came 1st Place.  He was so thrilled.  He won a cup and it is really huge.
He also danced in the Junior Variation but wasn't placed.  Only 1st and 2nd was awarded.

On Suday he was awarded Very Highly Commended (4th Placing) for  his Classical, Character and Impromptu Barefoot dances.  It was the first time he had ever done impromptus at competitions.  He then won 1st Place for the Classical Impromptu. He won another cup. I watched him dance and he looked amazing.
He also danced in the Neo Classsical class but didn't get placed.  Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd was awarded.

Then on Monday was all the modern dances.
He was awarded 3rd Place for Restricted Modern Jazz Solo 12 and under 14yrs.
Very Highly Commended's for both Modern Expressive/Contemporary and Modern Jazz Solo.

Salem did his first impromptu for Modern, every one did jazz while he did contemporary.  He did well considering the song was "You Gotta Know" by Supergroove.  Check the song out on You Tube. He earned a Highly Commended.

We later found out that Salem had been awarded Runner-Up for the Modern Scholarship winning a rosette, a dance gear voucher and some cash.  We had left to go home before the special awards had been presented.  We have picked up his goodies since then.

Barefoot Impromptu Costume

Then it was the Dance Kapiti Dance Festival which he danced in from the 20th to 23rd July.
This is a local Kapiti competition which meant little traveling.  Thanks to Grandma for all the rides to the theatre and for all the hot chocolates!!!!!!
I didn't take any photos at this competition due to the camera having a hissy-fit.

Salem was awarded Very Highly Commended's for his Classical, Character, Novice Variation and Neo-Classical 14 yrs and over.

For Modern Expressive/Contemporary he got Commended, and for his Jazz - Highly Commended.
The adjudicater seemed to not like/understand the choreography for his contemporary, which is implied in his report.

Well, no more competitions until the next ABTC's one in October on Labour weekend.
Salem has been busy getting ready for his exams and having some great lessons with Jonte and Jacqui.
He is also putting together his own choreographies and they are looking amazing,  more on those later.
And he has been going to a Lyrical, Jazz & Acrobatics class at Waikanae Dance School which he is really enjoying.
Well that is all for now....wish me luck in posting this........


  1. Glad you are doing so well. Miss seeing your smiley face.

    1. Hi Martha, nice to hear from you. How are the concert rehearsals going. I bet Leroy is excited about his first concert. Hope you have a great xmas, love to you and the family.
