Thursday, August 29, 2013

Exam Countdown - 7 Days Until Intermediate Foundation Exam

Seven days til exam time.

Yep, it's seven days until exam day.  Salem has his RAD Intermediate Foundation exam which is being held at the New Zealand School of Dance in Wellington.

He has had lots of practice of the syllabus and has found the lead up to the exams had started to early for him and is quite over it all and can't wait to start on the Intermediate syllabus.

Plenty of ballet practice.

He has been going over the Intermediate Foundation stuff with Jacqui, tidying everything up.
He is looking very good.

So that he doesn't over think the exam stuff, he has been working on his own choreographies, Grade 6 Ballet and some Lyrical too.  Along with getting ready for the Contemporary and Jazz exams.  And a concert thrown in in the middle of all of this.
September is going to be a very busy month!!!!!

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