Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Variety Fight Night Fundraiser

Tanya Pease

Variety's Gold Heart Scholarship program awards up to 20 scholarships annually to children who are excelling in sport, the arts or education but who may be facing challenges or obstacles which restrict them. 
Salem is a recipient of a Gold Heart Scholarship and it has really been a huge help in Salem doing so well this year.

Variety provides up to $5,000 a year and a mentor to support our scholars,
and with Ringside NZ, they have been to be able to offer our
 scholars this additional opportunity to pair up with a contender who is embarking on their own challenging journey, so that they can inspire, support and raise money to create brighter futures for Kiwi kids.
The Contenders who take part in Fight Night require commitment, hard work, determination and physical and mental stamina to reach their goals – just like the Gold Heart Scholars.

Salem is thrilled that he has been teamed up with Tanya Pease.
Tanya works at Les Mills and looks after the Group Fitness Department.  
She often finds herself taking on new challenges. 
Tanya had open heart surgery as a teenager so never takes her fitness for granted. 
Getting in the ring is her latest challenge.... "it's been a tough journey but I'm enjoying it and am looking forward to the Fight Night :) Next year it'll be the marathon!"

She has a great passion for children, so finding out that Variety was the charity Ringside supported made her challenge all the more serious!

Check out her fundraising page at

Feel free to make a donation, every little bit helps.
All funds raised will be going towards Variety's Gold Heart Scholarship program to fund future GH scholars.

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life"                                - Muhammad Ali 

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