Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Practice, Boys Class,Pointe Shoes and Ballet Exams

Hard at practice

This is a very busy time for Salem.
He has been getting ready for his RAD Grade 5 exam and his RAD Performance Award exam.
We have been up at the gym in the dance studio nearly every day.
Salem has had his normal classes plus a mock exam on the weekend.
He knows it all and now we are working on polishing up everything.

Glen Harris

The day after his last performances of Giselle, he went to the Boys Ballet Class with the Royal New Zealand Ballet.
His teacher was Glen Harris who is the RNZB's ballet master for the moment.
Salem really enjoyed the class and Glen gave the boys lots of good tips which Salem has found very useful.
He has been practicing one of the dances from Giselle that Glen taught the boys.

Getting ready for his Intermediate
Foundation Class

Salem loves his blue pointe shoes and has been using them in his Intermediate Foundation class.
He is becoming more confident with them and is doing centre work with them on.

His blue pointe shoes

His pointe shoes still need a bit more wearing in.

So exams are on Sunday and his examiner is his old ballet teacher from Wellington.
I know he will do very well!!!!


  1. Your son Salem is not the only young boy ballet dancer looking and pursuing pointe ballet dancing..There seems to be a growing movement among boys and young male dancer to take up and try pointe. And to do original ballet dances
    involving pointe ballet and not parody and character type ballet.

    Like these pictures links:







    Hope we see more pictures of Salem pursuing his ballet pointe endevours and a video or two of his dancing on YouTUBE...

    P.S. This might be the 3rd message you MAY GET on this from me..It seems when I push the submit button & it DOES NOT SEEM to appear that it EVEN went thru to you. Hopefully it did this time.

  2. is he on facebook. send me a adfd edward c. aselman plz

    1. Hi Edward, I am on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Support-Salem-Foxx/270946429720441 .

      Regards Salem :-)
