Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Second Place in Star Search Heat

With his certificate

I am so proud of my boy, he got second place in today's heat of the Star Search at Coastlands.
He was up against singers, musicians and other dance acts.
He even competed against one of the performance groups from his dance school.
Not bad for his first talent quest and it was the debut for his "Bond on Bond" dance.
First place went to singer Lily whom Salem used to dance with years ago so that was really nice.
So they will be competing against the other 1st and 2nd place getters from Monday and Tuesday in the junior final on Friday.

Salem and an admirer

Everything didn't go smoothly as Salem was supposed to be the 8th act but the computer crashed when they tried to play his music CD.  So he ended up dancing last in case the computer crashed again.  He was all prepared to dance without his music.
But it played and he danced really well.
He was very surprised to get second place but was quite thrilled with himself.
Afterwards Grandma treated us to a very yummy real hot chocolate at Butlers.

Well done Salem!!!!!

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