Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Contemporary Exams Tomorrow

Salem getting ready for his ballet exam 2006

Salem has his two contemporary exams tomorrow.  He has been doing a lot of practices at the studio at the gym.  He has also had some mock exams at his dance school.  We have been working on the polishing up on his dancing and he is quite confident.

Practicing his exam smile

Last night I found an old SD card I hadn't seen for years and it has some lovely photos of Salem's first ballet exam from 2006.  He was only six years old.  It was for RAD Pre-Primary.

Going in for their exam

He was so little then.  He was very serious about his exam and was very pleased with himself afterwards.  He's glad he doesn't have to wear those shorts anymore.  It was leggings straight after that except that he had to wear the shorts again for his Primary exam.

All very pleased with themselves afterwards

Well, he has one more Contemporary class today and then next term hopefully he will be starting the next level's syllabus.  The school holidays start at the end of next week so there will be no contemporary classes that week, just ballet.  But the second week of the holidays there will be Grade School in preparation for the Ballet exams in November.  No rest for the wicked!!!!!


  1. Good luck Saley! You'll be fabulous of course. :)

    1. Thank you Aunty Linda. I think I did pretty good yesterday. Love from Salem xxxxx
