Friday, August 3, 2012

Cinderella Rehearsal On Stage

Ballet Diaries - Cinderella
By Salem
First Rehearsal on the Stage - 28th July 2012
Tonight we got to rehearse on stage with the whole company.  But first we were up in our dressing room which was with some of the male dancers.  We sorted out our shoes and made sure we got shoes that fitted us properly.  Byron and I were chatting together and organised where we put our shoes and hats so they were easy to find next time.
Then we were taken downstairs and sat in the theatre to watch the dancers practice, often going back over things to get things perfect and then when it was getting near to our part, me and Daniel were taken backstage by Turid.

We were introduced to the backstage people.  Turid told us where to go to get onto the stage then where to walk with our cart, and also where to stop.
We had to wait backstage for a bit before we had to go out on stage.  Daniel kept talking about the Olympics when I just wanted to watch what was happening on stage.
One of the stage hands told me to be careful with the rose at the top of my orange tree on the cart.

We went on stage twice before it was the other boys from B Cast's turn, that is Byron and Nicholas.
While we were on stage they put some red tape on the floor to mark where we had to stop and went over things a few times.  Someone dropped an orange over on Daniel's side and the orange bounced noisily.
After the whole company had finished that act (Act 2) we were allowed to go home.  We also didn't have to have a rehearsal on Sunday after all so I could relax at home, not that I would have minded having another rehearsal.

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