Friday, August 3, 2012

Cinderella Opening Night

Salem and Qi Huan
Ballet Diaries - Cinderella
By Salem
Opening Night  2nd August 2012
It was opening night tonight and I was very excited.  When we arrived at the St James we had some hot drinks at the Jimmy.  I had a hot chocolate.  Mum did my make-up while we were there.
I grabbed a cast list and was surprised to see that Nicholas' name was there instead of Daniel's.  It turned out that Daniel was sick so Nicholas was his replacement.
We went up to the dressing room and I got into my costume.  Then I went around and got some of the dancers autographs in my Cinderella Program.  I will get all the others over the next few nights that I am performing.
Nicholas arrived after Mum left and he took a while to get ready and only got into his full costume in the nick of time.

We went backstage at the start of Act 2.  Jonte (Sir Jon Trimmer) waved hello to me and I saw one of the stage hands knitting.  It was funny to see that.
I walked out onto the stage with my cart but didn't quite make my mark 100% perfectly but it didn't really matter because everything went well anyway.  I gave out my oranges, smiled a lot then walked off the stage with my cart when I was supposed to.  I was pleased with myself.

We went back upstairs to the dressing room and quickly got changed then I went back downstairs to sign out and see Lindsay.  Lindsay took me through the back way into the St James and met up with Mum.  Then we started on our long journey home.  It was a good night.
I can't wait until my next performances, I'm doing two on Saturday.

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