Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cinderella Diaries - First Rehearsal

Ballet Diaries - Cinderella    
 by Salem 
First Rehearsal   Friday 17th July 2012
Yay!!!  My first rehearsal.  I couldn't wait to see what I was going to do.  When we arrived, we waited up at reception until Turid (the ballet mistress) arrived to take us down to one of the studios along with the three girls.  There was a reporter there to take our photo for a local newspaper.  Me and Daniel were taken out of the studio to do a short interview.  She asked us about the other productions we have been in and Daniel said he had been in four when he had only been in three so I told the reporter.  She also asked us about our feelings for ballet and about being on stage.  The reporter took photos of us with the three girls.  We had to laugh at them.

Then we had to wait around in the studio while Jonte (Sir Jon Trimmer), Lucy Balfour and some of the male dancers did the funeral scene with the girls.  One of the girls was the young Cinderella and the other two where the young step sisters.  the dancers all had umbrellas for the funeral scene as it was supposed to be raining.  We also got to watch the rest of the company rehearse while we waited for our turn.

When it finally was our turn, Turid got me and Daniel to pull carts, that had oranges and a small orange tree in each, on to the stage and then to pass out the oranges to people.  Byron and Nicholas (the boys in the other cast) pretended to be the adult dancers that we had to give the oranges to.  Then we had to swap over so that Byron and Nicholas could practice too.  We had fun playing with the carts and being silly with the oranges.  We swapped roles many times before we could finish for the day.

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