Sunday, July 1, 2012

Welcome to Ballet Boy New Zealand

Hello to anyone who finds this new blog.
I am starting this new blog for my son to chronicle his journey on the road to a career in the dance world.
Even though he is only twelve years of age, he has been dancing for nine of those years.
We have got some exciting news to share over the next few days and will be putting up dates and times when he will be performing.

So watch this space.


  1. Hi Michelle and Salem, My husband found your blog site and I have had fun reading most of your stories tonight. You write well Salem and bring your experiences to life. We were interested in your stories because our son was one of the pages in Auckland and so we could appreciate your experiences. And secondly you had a photo taken with our other son Joseph which we loved. All the best with your dancing, maybe we'll meet you one day.

    1. Hi there Shelley
      I'm pleased that you have found us and that you enjoyed Salem's stories. I'm sure your son had as much fun being in Cinderella as Salem had.
      Salem is hoping that the RNZB will be needing some boys next year. We were actually wondering what Joseph is up to these days as we saw that he is no longer on the RNZB website.
      Best wishes to you and your sons, and yes it would be nice to meet up one day.
