Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ballet Boy New Zealand Supports the London Boys Ballet School

Salem with one of his Grade One ballet students

London is so lucky to have an all boys dance school, boys learn differently and the male ballet technique and performance is quite different.  As most dance schools cater mainly for girls, boys are often the only male in the class and taught to dance just like the girls.  This isolation from other boys in their classes can lead to them giving up dancing.

Being in all male classes, they can be taught male technique with other boys just like themselves and are able to compete against each other, like who can do the best grande jette or the most pirouettes, while having a real camaraderie.

Salem and I from the Ballet Boy New Zealand blog would like to wish the London Boys Ballet School all the best and we totally support what they are doing. 
What a fantastic opportunity for boys who want to dance. 

Michelle and Salem Foxx

Salem at the Upper Hutt Comps June 2014

This was the letter of support we recently sent to the LBBS

Sorry for the lack of up-dates lately, so much happening and Salem is at Winter School at the New Zealand School of Dance so it is very early starts and he comes home and it is straight into bed.  It's day three today and he is loving every moment.