Thursday, May 2, 2013

Turnout Exercises, The Splits, Up-coming Competitions and Other News

When Salem got injured earlier this year we looked for some gentler turnout exercises for him to do and found some great information on

They have a great three part article called "Training Turnout" which you can find at
Do have a look as it was a great help to Salem, he was able to understand better, what muscles to use and how to use them properly as everything was explained very clearly.

Last week Salem officially joined the gym, City Fitness, who had been kind enough to let Salem use the Mind Body Studio at no cost when it was not in use by members.  They have also included a sponsorship for him in the form of two hours a week exclusive use of the studio which means we can book it for private use for him to have his private classes with Louis and Jonty.
A big thank you to all the staff at City Fitness Kapiti!!!!

It's the school holidays at the moment so there have been no classes at the dance school last week and this week except for a private lesson yesterday for more work on Salem's new Polish character dance.

Earlier yesterday, Salem also had his lesson with Jonty and has really worked hard on his pirouettes and is looking so good.  He has a lot of fun with Jonty.

We have been having plenty of dance practice as Salem is competing at the DanceArt Society Inc's 11th Annual Dance Festival on the 3rd - 5th May, this weekend at the Little Theatre in Lower Hutt.
He turns 13 on the first day of the comps so is now entering in the higher age groups and will be dancing in the Senior Variation Championship.  It's a big step up!!  He is very excited.

Competitions coming up are:

The Associated Ballet and Theatre Club Inc - Tap, Modern, Restricted Ballet Competitions 17th - 19th May

Wellington Region Dance Teachers Competition Society Inc - Queen's Birthday Festival 1st - 3rd June

Hutt Valley Performing Arts Competition Society - Ballet and Tap/Modern Dance Comps 12th - 16th July

The Kapiti Comps are on the 20th - 23rd July but have had no information on that yet.

I love this quote which is on the DanceArt Dance Festival program:

"Great dancers are not great because of their
  They are great because of their passion."

                        Martha Graham
                   Dancer and choreographer